What are voice and tone?

What is brand voice?

Brand voice is what we say based on the character of a brand. Our core personality traits expressed by our words. These are part of the brand’s fundamental make up. They can evolve, but only very slowly.

Brand voice is one way of expressing what is different and relevant about our firm – just like we do through our logo and photography style.

Whatever we’re writing about, whoever it’s for and whether it’s a page on our website, a brochure or a presentation, the Taylor Wessing voice needs to come across loud and clear.

What is tone?

Tone is how we say it and this can change – being dialled up and down according to the audience, the circumstances and the medium.

For example, we always sound friendly (a core personality trait). But in social media we’ll be more informal than in a pitch. More familiar with a client we know well than with a prospect.

All our communications are clear. But we’ll use more specialised terminology when speaking to audiences with greater legal knowledge.