Developing and communicating key messages

Key messages are short statements that summarise why we’re relevant to our audience and what makes us different from our competitors. There is a set of key messages that applies throughout Taylor Wessing, as well as for each sector, practice area and business group.

Firmwide key messages

  • Our clients are leaders in the world’s most dynamic sectors.
  • We bring creative thinking to our clients' issues and our own firm.
  • Our clients tell us that what sets us apart is our understanding of them, their business and the sectors they operate in.
  • We value individuality in our clients and our people because we know that diversity breeds creativity.

Tips for developing new sector, practice area and business group key messages

  • Develop three to six key messages.
  • Keep each one to a single succinct sentence.
  • Focus them on audience benefits.
  • Write them from the audience’s point of view (you not we).

Using key messages

Keep both firmwide and group key messages in mind whenever you write. You don’t need to repeat the words verbatim, but by threading the themes through your text you strengthen the message and your connection with the audience.

Writing for our international audience

Clarity is vital for an international audience, especially with content that appears on our global website. For example:

  • When describing our firm and teams, use words such as global and international. Avoid words such as overseas and foreign.
  • When referring to names of people or organisations in a particular jurisdiction, specify the jurisdiction.  For example: the High Court of England and Wales, the United States Congress.