Taylor Wessing's style guide



  • ‍Use words for simple numerals from one to ten inclusive.
  • ‍Never start a sentence with a figure, write the number in words instead.
  • Always use numbers with units of measurement, even those less than 10.
  • In all other cases, use figures for numerals from 10 upwards.
  • ‍For numerals over 999 – insert a comma for clarity: 9,000.
  • Spell out common fractions like one-half.
  • ‍Spell out first to ninth. After that use 10th, 11th and so on.
  • ‍In tables, use numerals throughout.
  • Where practicable, write out million, billion and trillion, in full.
  • Subsequent mentions can use abbreviation without a space between number and suffix. For example, £123m.
  • British English now widely uses the American English value for 1 billion ie a thousand million 1,000,000,000.
  • Note: British English used to value 1 billion as a million million ie 1,000,000,000,000. That is now widely referred to as a trillion.