Taylor Wessing's style guide



Dates are written in day, date, month, year format. Times are written in 24-hour clock format with a colon separating the four digits.

√ 26 October 2017

√ Friday 26 October 2017

√ 21:00

x October 26th 2017

x Friday, 26 October 2017

x 2100

x 8pm

Describing our experience

When describing our experience in credential documents and text avoid starting sentences with and repeating using, "We advised...". In each description of experience include the following (unless it’s a breach of confidentiality):

  • ‍the client (by name where permitted)
  • ‍the value of the project or transaction
  • ‍the name of the project or transaction
  • ‍brief value message.

Apply bold to whichever part of the experience description is relevant for your audience (ie the client, project name or location). For example:

Taylor Wessing experience includes advising:

  • News Corporation and News Corp UK & Ireland on its successful £220.3 million acquisition of talkSPORT owner, Wireless Group plc
  • ‍Sky on its strategic investment in iflix and on its acquisition of a majority stake in Blast! Films
  • a trustee of the Madoff Estate on international litigation and asset tracing arising out of the Madoff fraud, involving cross-border insolvency issues
  • ‍a listed energy business on senior employment hiring, terminations, investigations and disputes.

Note: if your experience descriptions are longer than a single sentence, each bullet point should form a full sentence ie start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.