Taylor Wessing's style guide


Abbreviations and acronyms

The first time a phrase appears on a page, write it out in full followed by the abbreviation or acronym in brackets. Do not use full stops or inverted commas for abbreviations or acronyms.

√ eg

x e.g.

√ EU

x European Union (E.U.)

√ Dr

x Dr.

√ The Unified Patent Court (UPC) has exclusive jurisdiction to decide on the infringement of European Patents

x The Unified Patent Court ("UPC") has exclusive jurisdiction to decide on the infringement of European Patents

There are allowable exceptions ie when the acronym is part of everyday language, the meaning widely known, and the acronym more commonly used than the full definition. For example GDPR, NASA and NATO.


Only use them where they significantly reinforce the meaning and impact of a sentence. Avoid superlatives and hyperbole.


We use them when they are part of a company name. But not to shorten a practice or sector name or in running text. The only exceptions are on drop down menus on our website or on Twitter where we can use them to keep within the maximum character count.

√ The real estate and infrastructure sector

x The real estate & infrastructure sector

√ Take a look at the latest news and insights.

x Take a look at the latest news & insights.